Get ISP line speed over time

Recently I switched over from NextGenTel to Get as broadband supplier, and upped my subscription plan to 18mbps/4mbps (double upload). However, even though this was over double the bandwidth NextGenTel could offer, Get have yet been unable to deliver according to what’s promised/sold.

Below is a chart, updated several times a day, showing what the current line speed amounts to.

Well, for now it does not look vey good (18mbit equals 2250KBps) – I get under half of advertised download speed. Their tech support team is currently working on it, so hopefully they will be able to resolve the issue soon….

To test this, the following unix command is being used:

FTP_PASSIVE_MODE=yes /usr/bin/fetch -o /dev/null

Update: More line data coming in, now the graph looks like this (changed to show actual mbit down speed instead (expecting about 17-18mbits):

Last update: 6dec, 15:30. Click image to zoom.

Update 2: I try testing bandwidth against a new server,, based on suggestions from the Get ISP technical team. Here is the current data:


One response to “Get ISP line speed over time”

  1. Jørund Avatar


    Hvordan kan jeg bruke denne kommandoen i terminal på mac? Har de fiksa linja forresten?