Author: Jakob Breivik Grimstveit

  • iPad 2, iOS5 beta 1 and iTunes 10.5 beta

    As a follow-up to my last post, here are screenshots from the setup of an iPad 2 using latest iOS 5 beta 1.

  • iPhone 4, iOS5 beta 1 and iTunes 10.5 beta

    Just got my hands on iOS5 beta 1 and iTunes 10.5 beta, and decided to take a few pictures during the setup and installation phase. This seems like a very nice upgrade, and have only experienced one minor crash so far. Stable, nice and impressive! Click on to see the image gallery showcasing all the new…

  • DÃ¥ stikk eg! God pÃ¥ske, folkens!

    Om eg er utanfor dekning på mobilen og ikkje svarer på epost eller FB-pokes, då er eg på Nutstøyl på guttetur med nurket og Snarrald. Klikk på nødplakaten ovanfor (generert via om du vil besøke oss på Nissedalsheia :-). l8r, dude[tte]s, the real world calls!

  • A new tattoo?

    I’m currently considering getting a new tattoo. Problem is, it’s really difficult to find a tattoo that’s both interesting today, and can be worn 20 years from now as well. Is this too nerdy?

  • 2011-01-04: Sinfest

    via 2011-01-04: Sinfest.

  • Født sÃ¥nn eller blitt sÃ¥nn?

    Universitetet i Stavanger har fÃ¥tt laga tre reklamevideoar som blir sendt pÃ¥ norske kinoar i desse dagar, og i den anledning mÃ¥tte dei ha ein del statistar i samband med at dei skulle danne biletet av ei engasjert skuleklasse. Deretter kjem Harald Eia inn frÃ¥ sida og seier noko kætsjy før logoen til UiS dukker…

  • The 10 Most Popular DYAC’s From November 2010

    Damn You Auto Correct! 🙂 I laughed so hard my stomach hurts! 🙂

  • Get ISP line speed over time

    Recently I switched over from NextGenTel to Get as broadband supplier, and upped my subscription plan to 18mbps/4mbps (double upload). However, even though this was over double the bandwidth NextGenTel could offer, Get have yet been unable to deliver according to what’s promised/sold. Below is a chart, updated several times a day, showing what the…

  • A fling

    Hmm. After having added a new iPod Shuffle (with touch-screen), a 15″ Macbook Pro (w/SSD) and an iPhone 4G 32GB to my personal inventory, I think it’s about time to admit that I might have a thing for this company called Apple.

  • Statsbudsjettet 2011

    Om eit bilete seier meir enn tusen ord, kor mykje seier eit bilete av tusen ord? Fant ut at det var på tide å sjekke kva som ville skje om eg limte inn heile årets statsbudsjett inn i Wordle. Det blei ikkje så veldig overraskande, kanskje, men veldig pent likevel :-).