Tag: operating system

  • iPad 2, iOS5 beta 1 and iTunes 10.5 beta

    As a follow-up to my last post, here are screenshots from the setup of an iPad 2 using latest iOS 5 beta 1.


  • The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items

    I decided to make the topic the error message, since it’s what people often are searching for when experiencing a problem :-).

    Problem scenario: You’ve downloaded a file from t3h intranetz on your Snow Leopard MacBook, and opens the file (possibly a PDF or DMG file) using the Mac. Then you try to copy the file to your SMB/CIFS network share (Samba/Synology/QNap/ReadyNAS/{your NAS device here}), but get the following dreaded and dumbfounding error message:

    The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items.


  • FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE, ready for consumption – omnomnom!

    Finally, after a few days of mirror syncing and documentation preparation, The FreeBSD Release Engineering (RELENG) Team finally decided to announce the availability of FreeBSD 8.0!

    FreeBSD logo

    The source code for 8.0 was got it’s final touches during the weekend, and on Sunday I had the oportunity to upgrade my server to the latest and greatest. After some upgrade jiffies conserning migration and upgrade of my experimental ZFS filesystem setup, everything seems to work without a hitch.

    The only notable showstopper I know about this far is the breakage of the fxp network interface driver, which was not ready in time for release. This will probably be fixed within a week or two, I assume.

    It’s a relief to have upgraded to ZFS v13, by the way. Finally I can start trusting my now nearly 3TB striped storage setup :-).

    System information about the currently running system on my own server can be found at http://grimstveit.no/admin/phpsysinfo.
