Tag: hobby

  • A fling

    Hmm. After having added a new iPod Shuffle (with touch-screen), a 15″ Macbook Pro (w/SSD) and an iPhone 4G 32GB to my personal inventory, I think it’s about time to admit that I might have a thing for this company called Apple.


  • Now, this IS embarrasing material to publish, but …

    … I had fun nonetheless!

    Edirol PC-50 MIDI keyboardI just purchased a MIDI keyboard (since I’ve long thought of trying to learn myself to play the piano), hooked it up to my Mac (now, that was easy!) and started taking a few piano lessons with GarageBand, a very nice little program accompanying iLife ’09. The keyboard is a sweet little Roland Keyboard named Edirol PC-50, and has so far lived up to the expectations from the salesman at the 4Sound.no music store in downtown Bergen.
